Each New Day
Morning! Every day is a new day.. a new day for different approaches, new insights, different perspectives. We're an ever evolving creature. If you find yourself in a place where there's no growth.. uproot yourself and plant elsewhere. I grew up in the church, grew up in a "Christian" home. However, never until now have I felt complete. You've got to find your place, your people, the ones who surround themselves with you and encourage you, embrace you without needing to know your past, accept you for who you are, where you are. I'm learning to become more of a virtuous woman, a woman who prays, who seeks His will. I spent way too many years angry, confused, feeling misplaced. When you change your perspective and make a whole hearted comittment to changing your life, I can assure you you'll feel and see the change. Things become more peaceful, you become calmer, you become more in tune to what the spirit ask of you. Continue to seek what is right and pure in this world. Go out and conquer the day!
